Ola Lee Mize

Why Are We Doing This?

"Most Americans Don't Know What the Recipients Stand For"

In the words of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, “Gallantry in action.  Intrepidity.  Above and beyond the call of duty.  Risk of life. Selflessness.  Exemplary action.  Unwavering devotion.  Conspicuous gallantry.  Extraordinary heroism.  The words enshrined with the Medal of Honor citations capture the best of what it means to be human.”

Is that enough to think about when we think of the Medal of Honor?

“By serving, remembering, supporting, and honoring the sacrifice of the Recipients, by sharing the stories and values inherent in them, we understand the responsibility and potential within each one of us to inspire the world.”

These words from the Congressional Medal of Honor Society are sobering.  I live in Northern Alabama, and was stunned to realize that we had a Medal of Honor Recipient that was born here (Ola Lee Mize), and there is virtually no mention of him anywhere.  I wondered is this was unique or the problem was more widespread.

After research,  I found out that there are 21 Medal of Honor Recipients attributed to Alabama.  An additional one lives in Alabama, making 22.  Few seemed aware of this.  I was challenged by the charge from the Society:  how can I, just one person, live up to the responsibility to rectify this?

What Are We Planning To Do About This?

I decided to create the Alabama Hall of Valor! Imagine a Museum that memorializes each of the 22 recipients!  We’re planning displays for these 22 individuals with pictures, citations, videos and other historical information.  The other displays in the Museum will highlight the efforts of Americans who demonstrated their love of America both in and out of uniform.

But That's Not Enough!!

It’s not enough to merely memorialize their actions.  We’ve got to educate future generations to teach courage, commitment, integrity, sacrifice, citizenship and patriotism.  We intend to share this education with the public schools, home schoolers, church groups and pretty much every group that caters to our youth!

Inspiration Moment!!

While planning, a friend asked a question that stumped me; he asked, “why are you limiting the education efforts to a local audience?” He was right.  If we only had a fixed location for a Museum, our scope of influence would be pretty small. Around the same time, I got an email advertising the mobile Vietnam Wall coming to Alabama and realized that we could do the same thing!  Why not make a mobile, smaller version of the Alabama Hall of Valor to share knowledge and inspire a lot more people? 

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Our Mission

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